Choose your shoes


Here a good piece of advice before you visiting an interesting cemetery:

Casual clothes, good for the season. Choose sober colours.

maglietta  vestito verde

Comfortable shoes: you have to walk a lot. scarpa  tacco

It’s a good idea bringing with you a little pack or a big bag where you can put:

a bottle of water, acqua

snack, cookies, some chocolate, some fruit. biscotto bananacioccolato

Perhaps you won’t have the lunch;

a copybook and some pens,  quaqderno penne

a hat and a little umbrella; cappello ombrello

a smartphone; smartphone

lotion against the mosquitos; suntan lotion; zanzarasuntan

a camera. camera

Please, note that you need a permission if you would like photograph into an italian cemetery.

It’s very important you take with you respect and discretion: perhaps you are enthusiastic about your visit but you have to remember that here lays people beloved by relatives and friends.