Angelo Balestra, medico (Parma, Cimitero della Villetta)


(Parma, Cimitero della Villetta. Tomba del dottor Angelo Balestra. Foto dell’autore)

Di Paola Redemagni

Il dottor Angelo Balestra in vita forse era di poche parole: sulla sua lapide, oltre al nome, solo le date di nascita e di morte.

A parlare per lui sono gli altri: la sua lapide è completamente ricoperta di firme e di scritte. Non un esempio precoce di vandalismo graffittaro ma la testimonianza del proprio passaggio lasciata da parenti, amici, pazienti, desiderosi di tramandare affetto e riconoscenza. Evidentemente un uomo molto amato e un ottimo medico.

(Dear friends speaking english, this is an home-made blog. I have no money to pay a professional translator, so I write english post by myself and – as you can see – I can’t write English language very well. So you can find a lot of mistake in the articoles: I beg your pardon. My English language level is: F(unny)! Will you pardon me?)

Angelo Balestra was a doctor. Perhaps he spoke rarely during his life. On his tombstone you can read only his name and the dates of his birth and his death. But a lot of people wrote about him: his tombstone is covered by inscriptions and signs wrote by his friends, relatives and patients. So we can know that he was a man beloved and an excellent doctor.